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Sunday, June 7, 2020
ppsc new jobs 2020
DALYEXPRESS- SUNDAY, JUNE 00 PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, LAHORE ADVERTISEMENT NO.13/2020 AHORE DEVELOPME NAN U E NILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) VNMUMGUACFRATONT EXPERIENCE Twn Panning BASKO SCALE NAME NATURE OF POST GENDER DOMKEA PLACE OF POS TING CASE NOA SYLLABUS FOR WRITTEN EXAMNTON ko. NO OF POSTS 118 TEST OF HELO 85-17 ate Et 2 33 yearn Eemale: to 2 years Age and tthe traragenoer we LACE OF POSINO baned on the conents af thair CNCLOA Lahore Cne paparMCOType en Teatef 100Mansand 90 minutes dunation Sylubusianunder Quaicatonneldguations seownPlanning& Cityand Ragona Planing General Knowiedge Ptan Dudea Everyay Soenc dase Matene Ld. Erigishand Conper s 31RE/200 ASSISTANTORECIOR ROWNBLANNNO Vonen Ouota 0on Gareot Ba Pemale & Tranogender) poMGLE. 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